2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook





I will obey all college rules and regulations.

I will respect the rights and privileges of others.



  • Demonstrate a positive attitude toward learning.
  • Maintain good attendance.
  • Report to class sessions on time.
  • Project a positive image.
  • Demonstrate respect for self and others


十大网赌软件推荐的每个学生都被认为是负责任的成年人, and it is assumed that everyone of college age will maintain standards of conduct appropriate to membership in the college community. Emphasis is placed upon standards of student conduct rather than on limits or restriction of students. Guidelines and regulations governing student conduct usually are developed by representatives of the students, 教师, student services staff, and 政府. The Student 行为准则 is the set of standards that has been established as the guideline for the behavior of those in the student community. Failure to meet standards of conduct acceptable to the college may result in disciplinary action, depending upon the nature of the offense.

The Virginia Community College System guarantees to students the privilege of exercising their rights of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States without fear or prejudice. Special care is taken to assure due process and to spell out a defined route of appeal when students feel their rights have been violated.

Student Misconduct

General Principles

所有 members of the 十大网赌软件推荐 community are expected to:

  • Behave in an ethical and moral fashion, 尊重十大网赌软件推荐社区所有成员的人格尊严, 并抵制可能通过骚扰对他人造成危险或伤害的行为, 恐吓, 偏执, 盗窃, 或暴力.
  • 遵守当地的民事和刑事法律, 状态, 和国家, and to regulations issued by 十大网赌软件推荐.

十大网赌软件推荐 reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Such action may 包括 taking disciplinary action against those individuals whose behavior ca使用s disruption or poses a risk of danger to others in the college community.

实行这种纪律的主要目的是培养个人素质, 教育, and social development of those students who are held accountable for violations of college regulations, to ensure the orderly functioning of the college, 并保护大学社区及其诚信.


学生可能受到纪律处分的不当行为的例子, 包括, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, 以下几点:

  • Disruption or obstruction of teaching, 研究, 政府, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities, 包括学院的公共服务职能或其他授权活动.
    Includes disruptive words (spoken or written), 行动, 衣服, or any other form of disruptive behavior.
    不恰当的课堂行为被认为是一种干扰. The 教师 member has responsibility for control of the classroom and may take steps to insure an orderly environment.
  • 犯联邦、州或地方法律规定的犯罪行为.
  • 违反或不遵守任何学院的政策、规章或条例.
  • Failure to comply with the directive of any person employed by the college in the performance of his/her duties.
  • 危险的:以一种危及自身健康或安全的方式行事的, or the health or safety of other persons.
  • 使用麻醉品, or being intoxicated, 在校园里的任何地方, 在大学网站上, or at college functions.
  • Illegal possession, 使用, 出售, or distribution of any quantity, whether usable or not, 任何药物, 麻醉, or controlled substance.
  • Inciting or participating in a disturbance, 或者暴乱, or an unauthorized or disorderly assembly, 在学校控制的财产或学校活动上, 扰乱或阻碍大学活动的.
  • 违反学校政策和/或有关性行为不当的适用法律.
  • 抓住, 持有, 盗取, 或破坏学院的任何财产或设施, or threatening to do so.
  • Refusing to depart from any property or facilities of the college upon direction by college officials or other persons authorized by the president.
  • Physically detaining any person, 或阻止任何人离开其被授权的任何地方, 不得将任何人驱逐出其获准停留的地方.
  • Obstructing the free movement of persons or vehicles on college premises or at college activities.
  • Physical and/or psychological ab使用 or threat of such ab使用 of any person on college premises or at college activities. This 包括s hazing of any sort - either engaging in hazing or voluntarily submitting to hazing. “欺侮”被定义为“通过恶作剧的方式来引导或惩戒(同学)。, 恶作剧, 和技巧, 通常是屈辱或痛苦的折磨.” 违反了 this hazing prohibition renders the students involved and the organization subject to disciplinary action.
  • 轻浮、重复执行无功处分政策.
  • Violations of course plan rules and policies.
  • Academic dishonesty.
  • 不遵守十大网赌软件推荐的电脑使用规定和指导方针.
  • Refusal to identify oneself on college property or at a college site or event when asked to do so by a college employee acting in the performance of his/her duties.
  • 违反了 campus and college fire regulations, i.e., 不遵守紧急疏散程序, tampering with fire protection equipment, 等.
  • 在学校财产或任何学校活动中持有致命或危险武器. 被要求携带枪支的执法人员可以豁免. 看到 政策 .
  • 违反了 college policy by smoking or using any form of tobacco inside any college building.
  • 偷, 破坏, 丑化, 具有破坏性的, 或者滥用学校财产或者他人财产.
  • 未经授权进入、出现或使用大学建筑、设施或设备的行为.
  • 伪造、涂改或滥用学院文件、表格或记录.
  • Failure to meet financial obligations to the college, 包括在没有足够资金的情况下给学院开支票.
  • Unauthorized 销售, 兜售, 或者在学校控制的财产或学校活动中拉客.
  • Gambling in any form, 举行抽奖活动, or lottery on the campus or at any college site or function without proper college or other necessary approval.
  • Violating any rule or regulation not contained within the official college publications but announced as policies or directives by a college official or other person authorized by the president.
  • 故意怂恿他人实施本法所禁止的行为的.

In addition to any of the examples cited above, a non-serious crime is anything that constitutes a misdemeanor under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 非严重犯罪相当于我们的二级犯罪. 任何构成重罪的行为都是严重犯罪, or a misdemeanor crime involving moral turpitude, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 严重犯罪相当于我国的三级犯罪.


我水平 -纪律留校察看:时间长短取决于违纪行为. 可能包括大学服务/恢复作为制裁的一部分. 1级以上违犯将自动调至2级.

我水平 违规行为包括但不限于以下例子:

  • Lying - misrepresentation of the truth.
  • 偷 - unauthorized possession or appropriation of another’s property if total worth of item or items is below $100.
  • Cheating - unauthorized communication of information before, during, and after an academic exercise. Plagiarism is 包括d in this section. Instructor’s policy will also apply.
  • 行为不检-扰乱大学教育过程的行为. Includes disruptive behavior.
  • Verbal ab使用; threat of physical ab使用; harassment: verbal/sexual.
  • 不服从学校员工的指示.
  • Careless damage to college property.
  • 中毒.
  • 未能偿还大学债务(可能导致注册受阻、成绩单受阻等).)
  • 违反了 信息技术学生赞助人道德协议 .


II级 -休学:一个学期到无限期,视犯罪情况而定. 超过一次二级犯规将自动调至三级.

II级 违规行为包括但不限于以下例子:

  • 行为不检-参与/煽动暴乱或未经授权的集会 (can be a 第三级 offense).
  • Sexual harassment (physical fondling/touching).
  • Endangering conduct.
  • Malicious damage to college property.
  • Illegal possession or 使用 of any quantity, whether usable or not, 任何药物, 麻醉, or controlled substance.
  • 在校园、学校场地或学校活动的任何地方持有麻醉品.

In addition to any of the examples cited above, non-serious crimes, 这是, anything that constitutes a misdemeanor crime under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, so long as it does not involve moral turpitude, is equivalent to our II级 offenses.


第三级 - EXPULSION FROM COLLEGE: Any serious crime, 这是 anything that constitutes a felony, or a misdemeanor crime involving moral turpitude, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, is considered an automatic 第三级 offense.

第三级 违规行为包括但不限于以下例子:

  • 行为不检-参与/煽动暴乱或未经授权的集会.
  • Physical/sexual assault.
  • Sale or distribution of any quantity, whether usable or not, 任何药物, 麻醉, or controlled substance.


Students will be expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic experiences. 任何被发现在学术工作中有不诚实行为的学生都将受到纪律处分.

The college may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student acc使用d of any form of academic dishonesty including, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 以下几点:

  • 抄袭其他学生的试卷或其他学术作业.
  • 使用未经测试人员授权的材料.
  • 合作, 没有权威, 在考试或准备学术作业时与另一名学生在一起.
  • 故意使用, 购买, 销售, 偷, 运输, or soliciting in whole or part, 或拥有, the contents of an un-administered test.
  • Substituting for another student, 或者允许其他学生代替自己, when taking a test or preparing other academic work.
  • Bribing or soliciting another person to obtain an un-administered test or information about an un-administered test.
  • Appropriating another’s work without acknowledging the incorporation of another’s work in one’s own written work (plagiarism).

剽窃 韦氏第三版国际词典定义如下:

抄袭:  to steal and pass off as one’s own the ideas or words of another; to 使用 without crediting the source; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source; to commit literary 盗窃. 十大网赌软件推荐相信以下放大的定义 1 有用:

语言: Plagiarizing the words of another consists of copying single words without acknowledging your indebtedness to the author. A student’s dictation and phraseology should always be his or her own except where he or she clearly indicates otherwise. Obviously it is not dishonest to copy an author’s words in quotation marks and give credit to the source by footnoting or by acknowledging the source in the text of your paper. 如果你转述一个作家的话,你必须承认你的亏欠.

Ideas and Thoughts: 对任何不是你自己的观点、想法或结论的来源给予信任. 例如, the 状态ment “Emily Bronte, unlike her contemporaries, was not concerned with the social injustices of her time” is a conclusion derived from an extensive knowledge of nineteenth-century fiction. If you really have such knowledge, you can honestly draw such a conclusion, 但如果你是从批评家或其他权威那里偷来的想法, you are plagiarizing. 另一个例子, “Beca使用 Gray found new ways to be boring, people thought that he was a genius,只不过是对塞缪尔·约翰逊的“他(格雷)以一种新的方式沉闷”的抄袭, and that made people think him great.”

十大网赌软件推荐的抄袭行为将会受到惩罚, and the 使用 of syndicated 研究 papers, 论文, work copied from any electronic or other source, constitutes a violation of this rule.

        1 弗吉尼亚理工大学